And… We’re Back!

Actually, we’ve been back in Lagos since August 1st.  We came back early to be able to help out the new teachers, so we’ve been looking after the kids while the parents are in teacher meetings.  It has been fun, but so hectic!  Laryssa is thrilled to have more children to play with, and of course her old friend, Finn is now here and they’re pretty much inseparable.  (I am so happy to have Lisa and Mark <Finn’s parents>  join our AISL family!  We all taught together in Turkey, so we go way back!  We also worked at the same school in Singapore, though we were at different campuses and didn’t see each other that often.  We’re making up for lost time now, I tell you!)

The biggest news is, of course, our delayed start date due to the threat of Ebola.  That was a bit of a downer and caused a lot of speculation and rumors.  The school board decided to defer the first day of school to August 25, so that we could see what is happening in Nigeria.  Other than the original case of the man coming in from Liberia, it seems pretty quiet here.  The incubation period for that case (and those that can all be traced back to having contact with that man) is over and no new cases were reported, so the school board has decided that we are good to go.  The returning teachers are now on their way back (anyone not here as of Aug.4 was told not to come) and we’re preparing for our first days.  

Last week we received this invitation from a friend off campus:


There’s a lot of scary news going around about Ebola in Nigeria.  However, I’ve consulted with the best witch doctor in Lagos (whose displays of magic include transforming herself into a bird, among other things).  She assures me that Ebola can be fully prevented with a special magical elixir of gin, vermouth, ice, and olives.

Following this sage advice, we will be hosting a treatment session this Friday at 6 PM.  We will have qualified personnel brewing up these special concoctions and administering recommended (i.e. high) doses to the attendees.  Supplemental treatments made from fermented grain or fruits will also be available.  I am also told that the medicine is more effective when taken with food, so heavy appetizers will be provided.

So, in typical AISL fashion, we took lemons and made lemonade!  We went to the party, had drinks and lots of food, and forgot about the worries out in the real world!

Saturday night we all went to the school board president’s house for a barbecue.  He thought we all needed a pick-me-up, as we’d been here for so long and everyone has been so worried!  Mr. Troy is an awesome host.  Drinks, food, a band… a great time was had by all!

So, for those of you back home who have been a little worried, don’t be.  We’re washing out hands at every opportunity, we’re sticking to our own little groups, and we’re having fun.  The delayed start has been a great opportunity for us to get to know the new folks… there is always a silver lining!


Potluck by the Pool

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Barbecue Chez the Board President

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